Tuesday, July 31, 2012

T Minus 19 Days

T minus 19 Days, Thursday, July 26th, 2012: “Be a Kid”

I’m also dubbing this day “only one more 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. shift” day. It’s very exciting. Tonight is my last night supporting the HTV mission. It’s exciting to be able to support the mission but the thought of actually being able to sleep more than 4 hours in a day is also pretty exciting. And, in honor of that excitement, I basically had myself a little dance party while I was getting ready for work.

If only Channing Tatum had joined my dance party...

Most people know I really like to dance, so it’s really not a stretch for me to start dancing at random times. I’ve been known to even start dancing when there’s no music on…at least that’s not just in my head J But, let me tell you, getting ready for another night shift was WAY more fun while dancing through my getting ready routine. Even brushing my teeth was more fun. I'll also admit, that I mixed in some freeze dance because when the song was changing, and there was a bit of silence, I'd totally freeze in place and wait for the next song to start. Although, I don’t much recommend dancing while blow drying your hair…especially if you use a brush. There was a moment of, “Oh, shit…that’s kind of tangled.” But, no worries, I made it to work without a brush stuck in my hair and a little happier because I danced like a kid who just doesn’t care who’s watching while getting ready.

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