Monday, July 23, 2012

T Minus 26 Days

T minus 26 days (Thursday, July 19th, 2012): Random Act of Kindness

I enjoy cooking. But, sometimes, it’s too much work. On those days, I try to pick a fairly healthy option even though there are definitely days when I feel like I could wolf down a whole pizza! Today was a day where I didn’t feel like cooking, at all. So, after meeting some friends to work out, I went to Chick-fil-a. They honestly have some of the best milkshakes! I didn’t get one but I just thought I’d point that out in case you’ve never tried one there….you should. No, I got a salad with chicken. And, I went through the drive-thru because I’m too lazy to walk in. But, it gave me the opportunity to meet my challenge for the day. When I was paying, I said I wanted to pay for the car behind me. You’d think that wouldn’t be such an issue but the way they do their drive-thru line is they take orders at two different boxes and then funnel the cars down to one line to pay and pick-up the food. So, saying I wanted to pay for the car behind me apparently caused quite the challenge. First, the lady asked if she should just give my credit card to the car behind me. “Uh…no, I want my credit card back,” I responded. I understand her confusion…kind of. I suppose not many people are offering to pay for the people behind them if they don’t know them. But, I didn’t offer to let her (or anyone) keep my card. So, it was strange that she thought that’s what I wanted her to do. They finally figured it out, I think. So, either the car behind me or the car behind that car got a free dinner tonight. I hope when that car got up there, it made their day a little better. And, maybe, they’ll pay it forward somehow.

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