Monday, July 23, 2012

T Minus 30 Days

T minus 30 days (Sunday, July 15th 2012): Random Act of Kindness and “Be a Kid”

So, this one is maybe a bit of a cheat but whatever, I’m still counting it. Since the challenge idea just occurred to me on this day, I feel like it should be ok. I’ve been matched with a Little Sister through Big Brothers/Big Sisters for three years now. She’s hilarious. I think I get more out of it than her but I hope she gets something out of it as well. We don’t usually do stuff that costs a lot of money but as a celebration for our 3 year anniversary, I bought tickets for us to see Broadway’s The Lion King while it was here in Houston. It was AMAZING!! We both really enjoyed it.


So, was the act completely random, not really. I’ve known her for three years. But, it was pretty random that we were matched and it’s probably pretty random that we’ve stayed matched for so long. And, I like to think that the positive impact I’m having on her will generate random acts of kindness in the future. But, I think this activity also falls under the “Be a Kid” category. It’s a musical based on a Disney movie. How is that not childlike? Plus, I was seriously leaning forward in my seat throughout most of it because I was so enthralled.

Like I said, it’s a bit of a cheat but I’m counting it because it was the first day and the challenge just started.

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