Monday, July 23, 2012

T Minus 24 Days

T minus 24 days (Saturday, July 21st, 2012): 30 Letters to 30 People

Today, I wrote a letter to a cousin of mine. Well, really, it was a card that I bought a while ago to send to her. It wasn’t her birthday or anything; I just liked the card and thought I’d send it to her. I got to catch up with her for a bit when I went to visit Minnesota for my dad’s surprise 60th birthday. When I was younger, I used to sleepover at her place when I’d visit my dad in the summers. I remember really enjoying those sleepovers. We didn’t do anything special, really. We’d watch movies and make dinner or something like that. But, it was nice to be able to hang out with my cousin like that. Of course, as people get older that happens less. And, it doesn’t help that I live so far away. But, I decided that I’d send her a note letting her know how much I really enjoyed that time together. Now, if you know me, you also know I’m really bad about actually mailing something… So, here’s to hoping that the card will actually get in the mail this week!

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