Wednesday, August 15, 2012

T Minus 0 Days

T minus 0 Days, Tuesday, August 14, 2012: "Be a Kid"

First, no, today is not my birthday. Don't let the '0' fool you. Look at yesterday's post about the numbering...July has 31 days. It screwed me up.

Today is the last day of my twenties. Kind of weird... I've been in my twenties for a long time! And a lot has happened, good and bad, that has brought me to where I am in my life. Of course, I wouldn't have minded spending the majority of my day doing something other than what I was doing. I spent most of the last day of my twenties doing requirements tracking and sitting in meetings. On the bright side, that means I have a job...

On to the fun stuff! I slept in this morning (thank God for flexible schedules!) and then I stayed up super late watching a movie. I watched 'Mirror Mirror' with a friend and it was actually pretty entertaining. When I was a kid, I used to love getting to stay up late and watch a movie. So, my last night in my twenties was spent doing just that. Of course, I had an adult drink with me while doing that. I'm pretty sure that's different from when I was younger...

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