Wednesday, August 8, 2012

T Minus 11 Days

T minus 11 Days, Friday, August 3, 2012: "30 Letters to 30 People"

I took a little "artistic license" with today's challenge... I didn't actually write a letter to anyone. But, I did call a friend that I hadn't talked to in a long time. I would consider this friend a good, close friend. But, we all know how life can get busy and before you know it months have gone by since the last time you touched base with someone. I wonder, at what stage of life did we change from wanting to spend hours on the phone with our friends as teenagers to sometimes dreading having to talk on the phone...?

And then she said... And I was all, like...
Anyhow, it was great to chat on the phone with my friend. We didn't have much time to actually talk because of the time difference and things going on on both sides of the call. But, we were able to have a good conversation and catch-up on life. And, it was genuinely a good feeling at the end to be able to have had that moment to just chat with a close friend.

Sometimes, trying to fit in time to call someone you haven't talked to in a long time can seem like a huge chore. But, then when you actually do it, it feels great.

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