Wednesday, August 8, 2012

T Minus 10 Days

T minus 10 Days, August 4, 2012, Saturday: "Random Act of Kindness" and "Be a Kid"

Does anyone else remember how exciting it was, as a kid, to hear the ice cream truck coming around? Seriously, it was pretty exciting. I was sitting around this afternoon, trying to motivate myself to do something productive and losing at that endeavor when I heard the glorious sound of the ice cream truck. I seriously jumped up, hurriedly searched for some money, got worried that I wouldn't find it in time, found some, ran out the door, jumped over some bushes (they're really low), and caught the ice cream truck man. Who then made fun of me for watching the Olympics too much (probably true because I'm exhausted!) because of my bush leaping...

I think if my ice cream truck guy had looked like this, it would have been less creepy.
When I got to the truck I had a few thoughts:
1. Did these seem as creepy when I was a kid as they do right now?
2. Am I being too judgmental? He's just trying to make some money...
3. Am I seriously about to eat ice cream from this truck?
4. At least it'll be prepackaged...

I bought some sort of cookies and cream bar because I was craving some ice cream and chocolate. It wasn't as good as I remembered... Maybe I should have stuck with the old standby of the Flinstones push-pop.The best part of the experience was when one of the neighbor kids came running up to the truck as well with $1. He picked out his ice cream, I paid for it and he didn't seem to realize that. So, when he tried to give the guy his money, he told the little boy that I'd paid for him. He looked at me a little shyly, then got pretty excited that he got the ice cream and a dollar. So, my bush jumping skills worked in favor for that kid.

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