Wednesday, August 15, 2012

T Minus 3 and 2 Days

T minus 3 and 2 days, Saturday and Sunday, August 11 and 12, 2012: "Be a Kid"

Yeah, that's right, this is going to be another one of the two-fer posts. Mostly because the activity I did on both days was fairly similar so I didn't think it was worth making two separate posts about. On these days, I'm chalking up my beach play to being like a kid. We spent a lot of time hanging out on the beach in the San Diego area. On Saturday afternoon, we hung out in the Ocean Beach area. And, some other good friends drove down from where they live north of LA for the night with their two kids. I was so excited that they were able to make it down for the weekend!

Of course, since they have two kids, they also brought a lot of beach toys! We got some use out of the boogie boards and this beach ball/frisbee ring contraption. It was a lot of fun to throw around in the water because if you missed it, it would just float like a beach ball. Their six year old son enjoyed it because the waves would wash right back up to him near the shore.

Sunday, we went to the Mission Beach area in the morning before we had to get ready to go to the airport. We were able to get in a couple of hours on the beach and it was awesome! I honestly think it was my favorite time of the whole weekend, including the surfing. I had a great group of friends around me, got to play in the sand and waves with the kids, we tossed the ball/frisbee ring thing around, had a race to the buoy with three people (and I totally beat them all to the buoy :P) and just general beach laziness. I did notice that most other adults were just laying on the beach... I can't really just lay there for a couple of hours, so the "kid" type beach activities were the perfect way to fill the time.

It was an absolutely perfect way to finish the weekend. We got a pretty good group picture of us before we had to head back to the hotel to get ready for the airport but two people bailed out fast so they aren't in this one...bummer!
The last morning after enjoying some kid activities on the beach.

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